Ryan Ann Romero, MM, MT-BC
Miami, FL

Hi, everyone! My name is Ryan Romero and I am a music therapist in the Miami-Dade county area. I am not a native Floridian, having recently moved from Memphis, TN at the end of 2019. I received my undergraduate degree at the University of Memphis and my masters in music therapy at Loyola University in New Orleans, LA. The musical culture in these cities were integral to my development as a music therapist. I believe that our environment plays a large role in our professional and personal development.
I attribute a lot of my personality to my family, who invested so much into my love of performing. Whether it was watching my original choreography to the Hercules soundtrack or attending my junior clarinet recital, I received the same level of enthusiasm for my passion from my family. My dad would regularly joke that the “music gene” skips generations in our family. It wasn’t prevalent in my mom or himself, but was very noticeable in my brother and I. As I engage in musical experiences with clients, friends, and acquaintances, I realize that the “music gene” isn’t as selective as my dad thought. It’s in everyone. As soon as our heart beats, we have rhythm. That’s why music therapy is so important. Music permeates everything we experience. Harnessing that all-encompassing force in our lives can have positive healing properties that I believe can help us become our best selves.

As someone who believes in the power of music, I knew that I had to find a way to provide my services in any way possible during these difficult times, when therapy is needed the most. That’s why I am so glad that I work for a company that is dedicated to modifying their method of providing healthcare in order to meet our clients’ needs. The transition to TeleHealth services was not simple, but it was necessary to provide this essential service. Although it is difficult to match the magic of in-person music-making, I have been inspired by the creative spirit of my clients to provide new and exciting ways to meet long-term and immediate goals through the online experience. I have even explored some musical experiences that work the best in an online format! I am looking forward to sharing these new musical experiences and helping my clients meet their goals through the natural healing that musical experiences provide.